You may be tempted to not spend as much time concerned about it but skincare regimen is even more critical when wearing face coverings. We’ve been schooled in washing hands for 30 seconds to kill germs, the same applies here. Take the time needed and consider adding a cell turnover treatment to assure that your face is clear and bacteria free.
Proper diet, exercise, and personal hygiene create much of what others see when they look at us. Even if we maintain good personal habits, we still age. Maintenance treatments are affordable. Just as you go to the dentist, consider visiting a medical aesthetic clinic every 6-12 months. A short series of treatments can build collagen, increase firmness, and improve hydration of the largest body organ, skin.
Microdermabrasion and Intense Pulse Light (IPL) combined provide an excellent a choice to improve the texture of the skin, unwanted blemishes, or skin spots. First the microderm is performed preparing the surface to achieve the best results from and IPL. Medical grade microdermabrasion uses sterile granules applied with a powerful skin vacuuming and suctioning process which increase microcirculation in the skin. The back and forth motion of the professional grade microdermabrasion tip removes dry, dead skin cells, lifting them off the stratum corneum. Clogged pore plugs are lifted from the pore openings as well. The result is skin that instantly feels and looks buffed to a bright and luminous glow.
An IPL can be adjusted to target a wide variety of issues. IPL is a great choice to address the signs of rosacea, sun damage, age spots, and skin texture. The treatment also reduces large pores and acne, corrects dark circles around the eyes, and reduces fine lines. It takes just a few minutes and you can resume normal activities immediately. After treatment, the skin feels smoother and has a more even tone and a great way of caring for the skin underneath your mask.
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398 Housley Point
And at The Hair Lounge
4832 Central Ave., Hot Springs, AR 71913
Hot Springs Surgery and Vein